Category: Illuminations

fairy contact

On The Nature Of Fairy Contact

At the age of 4 or 5 I recall crossing the dirt road where we lived to go into the forest. 70’s parenting must have

servitor class

Servitor Class With Mademoiselle Vendri

I recently had the opportunity to attend an online zoom class with Mademoiselle Vendri whom is an expert in servitor creation. It was a blast

everything is implied

Everything Is Implied

Everything is Implied: The Nature of Intra-terrestrial Contact Many religions support the concept that all things are connected. The very definition of religion is to

hippie apocalypse 2012

So Much For The Hippie Apocalypse Of 2012

“Some will finally get responsible rather than relying on future events to absolve them of responsibilities” I wrote that to a friend over Skype as

Montaigne & Self Esteem

I really enjoyed this video in celebration of the understanding of Montaigne a great french philosopher. Great for looking into your self.

be your own guru

Be Your Own Guru

Tribe Magazine – Issue 13 July/August 2000 A licence to be your own Guru, Saint, God – Goddess, Avatar or Deity. I have learnt something